Zambia's Chiluba in hospital

Former President of Zambia Frederick Chiluba is unwell with heart problems. Chiluba's health is feared to have been seriously affected by corruption charges against him. Find stories about him HERE.


Anonymous said...

This heart break should be resulting from the shock of corruption investigations and cahrges he is facing. Let's hope he deos not die before being brought to justice!

Anonymous said...

Ghana's famous writer, George
Ayitteh, said recently in Arusha city that most African leaders have failed their countries because theye were "thieves."

He said that except for Julius Nyerere (Tanzania), Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana) and Nelson Mandela (South Africa) and a few others, most of post-colonial African rulers indulged in wealth amassing, rendering their people poor and destitute.

Chiluba must be one of these evil-minded leaders and wealth amassers!