I pays the mind; the person - you

For the past two years, on a different space, I have been blogging in Kiswahili, promoting one of the official languages of the African Union (AU). While I promise to keep promoting the language on my first blog www.ngurumo.blogspot.com I invite non-Kiswahili speakers and readers, especially those fluent in English to use this new forum to share views, challenges and comments on all spheres of life. The blog's name - serioulsy speaking - suggests it all. Let's talk seriously on serious issues. I promise to keep you posted for an enjoyable reading on politics, medicine, health, technology, law, philosophy, business - even sports and leisure. Truly, this is an ecclectic resource of information, which. I hope will grow into a thought-provoking, learning forum, which will have us have a feeling, at the end of the day, of having properly utilised our precious time by engaging in this mental activity. It pays the mind; the person - you!

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